The Other Side of Wonderland

Monday, January 09, 2006


I was listening to NPR this afternoon, where they were discussing the Alito confirmation hearings, and one of the guests was discussing Alito's record in terms of abortion rights. Now, I didn't hear the guest's introduction, so I don't know if he was speaking form a conservative or a liberal standpoint, but he pointed out, as a positive thing, that Alito is not the type to make a radical attack on Roe v. Wade, but instead he favors minor, incremental changes that makes it easier for states to regulate abortions.
That seems like a bad thing to me.
Big, radical attacks on Roe v. Wade are easy to spot and fairly easy to defend against. I really don't believe that there is a huge segment of the population wanting to reverse the past 30 years, to set women's rights back more than three decades. But tiny, incremental changes in law? That barely deal with abortions themselves and focus instead on allowing states to slowly hack away at a woman's reproductive rights? People today are so busy that even those who truly care and actively want to protect their rights can be hard-pressed to notice things like that. I'm a lot more worried about Alito eroding rights over the course of decades than I am about some random psycho campaigning on a "Don't Kill Babies" platform.


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